Where is the Appointed Son Prophesied in the Bible?


Questions Answered by Pastor ACQ

“Jesus Christ, the Begotten Son was prophesied in the Bible, but where is the Appointed Son prophesied in the Bible? Is it true that nobody bore witness of you, Pastor?”

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Appointed Son of God in the Bible

You need to listen to my message from the beginning up to the end, in order to understand why I am called the Appointed Son of God.

I was not the only one appointed. There were many in the Church Age that were called, that were to be appointed to become like me, but they did not finish the spiritual work. They became religions and denominations without finishing the spiritual work.

These religions and denominations did not produce a “Son”. Instead, they produced priests, pastors, bishops, popes, and the like. These so-called “men of God” are only servants in the sight of the Almighty Father — not a Son. They use the Word of God in vain, preaching to the people the words of Jesus Christ but they do not follow and obey His words.

8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.

9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

Matthew 15:8-9

A Son is a body in whom the Spirit of the Almighty Father dwells. This is the reason why God created man — Adam, the Created Son (Luke 3:38) — to become His dwelling place, His residence, His Temple, and His Tabernacle. Adam was a son of God (Sonship), and he was given dominion (Kingship) over all of God’s creation.

Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.

Luke 3:38

But because of disobedience, Adam lost his inheritance (the Sonship and the Kingship). Man was separated from God. The spirit of the Almighty Father (righteous seed) that was once in Adam was dislodged and was replaced by the spirit of disobedience of Satan Lucifer the devil (serpent seed).

God’s plan to dwell in man was aborted.

So the Almighty Father began His plan of salvation by calling Abraham in the Jewish Age. He sent an example — a body — that His chosen people should emulate in order to come back and be restored to Him. He became the Word made flesh — Jesus Christ, the only Begotten Son. He was begotten by the Spirit of the Almighty Father and borne by a human mother.

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth.

John 1:14

In the Old Testament accounts, prophets received instructions and revelations from the Almighty Father through His words spoken unto them. They do not see Him. They only heard His voice.

In the New Testament, on the other hand, the Word was made flesh and dwelt among the people. He is our Lord Jesus Christ. Now the people not only hear His Words through His voice, but they can also see Him and touch Him.

I and my Father are one.

John 10:30

Jesus Christ’s mission was to redeem what Adam and Eve lost when they disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden (Sonship and Kingship). He was victorious, but He paid it with his own life, for without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins (Hebrews 9:22).

The Sonship and Kingship is now in the hands of Jesus Christ and must be returned to the rightful heirs — Adam and Eve. But they are no longer here, so it must be returned to their descendants, the Fallen Adamic race.

Every member of the Fallen Adamic race is a candidate to receive this inheritance. That is why many men and women from religion and denomination were called to finish the work. But they did not so…

Until the Almighty Father, himself, called me and took me in two mountains for six (6) years, where He tried my commitment and dedication to do and obey His perfect will by intense fire of persecution, trial, and affliction.

It was also during those years that I received revelation after revelation from the Almighty Father in the University of the Spirit. And after those intense but marvelous years, I heard the Almighty Father say to me, “Now you are my Son”.

This is why I am called the Appointed Son (Hebrews 1:1-2) because Revelation 21:7 became a fulfillment in my life.

He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

Revelation 21:7

God, who in sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets. Hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son, whom He hath appointed heir of all things.

Hebrews 1:1-2

I am the first among the Fallen Adamic race who qualified, who overcame to become heir of all things.

Revelation 21:7 should have been them (people from religion and denomination). It could be you. It could be the pope. It could be anyone in the Church Age. It could be one of their leaders. But they failed the Father. They did not finish the spiritual work. 

What was the spiritual work to be finished? It was the Father’s House to be built — His Residence, His Temple, His Tabernacle. But they only built 1/8 of the house. They only laid something there then, they left and made a fortune out of their calling. They left the spiritual work.

Those in the Church Age, their religion, their leaders, they were given the first chance, but did they overcome the serpent seed? No, they did not. That is why they did not produce the Appointed Son. 

Now those who will receive, believe, and accept my message — those who will repent and say, “Father, from now on, not my will but Your will be done, in my life, no matter what” — will also become sons and daughters of the Almighty Father like me.

Learn more: The Storyline of Salvation Completed